Monday, February 15, 2010

Windows Phone

Apple has a one, Google has a one too, and even though there were some smartphones with windows operating systems. Windows didn't have a phone until now...

Microsoft developed an all new operating system designed for smartphones, specifically for the Windows phone, the name of this new OS is Windows Phone 7 Series.

This new phone will be released at the end of the present year (holidays) and apparently it has some new concepts that will make him a nice spot in the battle of smartphones.

It will not be compatible with any Apple hardware, but a lot of well known hardware companies will support Windows Phone 7 series like:

HTC, Dell, Garmin-Asus, Samsung, HP, LG, Sony Ericsson, Toshiba and Qualcomm.

This is the website were you can find more information.

Watch the following video to see some of the features this new phone will have.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Soccer & Valentines

February 14th is coming, and Puma brand took out this very good publicity that shows that even the most fearful hooligans can give out some love their own way of course.. anyways the video is better than a thousand of words... its funny.

You can send it to your love from here

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Windows 7 GodMode

Hey this is a god trick a good friend of mine told me about. It is about getting almost TOTAL control of your Windows 7 operating system. It is really easy

  • 1st you have to create a new folder (right click -> new -> folder)
  • now to have to rename the folder to

  • The icon of the folder will automatically change as well as the name you just typed
  • Double click the new icon.... you are now in the GodMode window

Hope this "trick" is usefull for you as it has been for me.


Google's Buzz, a new way of sharing

Google's Buzz is a new concept of sharing information. Think of it as the evolution of status updates. Now you will be able to add pictures, and videos.
Like in Facebook or Twitter people will be able to post comments about your buzzes (status updates) .

If you are already using any other social network you will be able to synchronize all your accounts to be updated whenever you update your Buzz, and if you update from your mobile phone, your location will also be posted ( if you activate this feature ).

You will be able to access and use buzz within you gmail account, and all the feedback received from your buzzes will be sent directly to your inbox.

I still don't have activated Buzz in my account, so i cant post my final verdict about this product.

This is the video so you can check out some other features.

Monday, February 8, 2010

is Apple's ipad worth to buy?

Apple's iPad was recently announced and worldwide known thanks to Apples hardcore advertisement campaign , but is it really the a revolutionary device? Do you really need it? Personally i don't think so.
Yes it has a great LED display, but we all already know the technology it uses and if we add the facts that:
  • Has no video camera
  • Has no output to HDMI
  • For the 3G, the microSIM card limits your options for preferred carriers (its locked). AT&T in the US, and i have no idea of who will be for Canada.
  • It has no MULTITASKING that means you are not going to listen music while checking your emails for example, that really sucks.
I think this product is just targeted to apple lovers, or to an audience who just wants quick access to internet, but don't apple already has the iPhone and iPod touch for that? anyways this product is purely marketing in my opinion.

If you really want a powerful tablet you should check out British company X2's iTablet which can run windows 7 as well as Linux. Check out this link about the iTablet .

Another option is the Google tablet, I don't have much information about this one but i expect it'll be a good product because with Google you can never go wrong. I leave you guys a video about this products GUI(Graphical User Interface) demo.

For the Spanish version please go to my other blog.

Waving Flag Official song of the 2010 world cup (latin version)

Futbol (soccer) is my favorite sport and every 4 years the biggest and best party on earth starts. This year the party will take place in South Africa where 32 teams will search the glory. I cant wait for June 11th for the inauguration of this major global event where Mexico (my home country) will play against South Africa (the locals) to see who scores the first goal of the world cup and most importantly who will take the first three points in front of the eyes of literally the entire world!!
The song "Waving Flag" by K'naan is the official song of this world cup, and for the latin version K'naan features with David Bisbal ( a spanish bad singer ). This is the official video of this latin version. I hope you like it.
Personally i still think the original english version is better. but here it is...


Futbol es my deporte favorito, y cada 4 anos la mejor y mas grande fiesta en el mundo ocurre. Este ano se celebrara en Sudafrica, en donde 32 equipos lucharan para buscar la gloria. No puedo esperar a que llegue Junio 11 para ver la inauguracion de este evento de magnitud global en donde Mexico (mi pais) jugara contra Sudafrica (los locales) para ver quien mete el primer gold del mundial and mas importante, quien se lleva los tres primeros puntos en frente de literalmente los ojos del mundo entero!!
La cancion "waving Flag" de K'naan, es la cancion oficial de la copa del mundo, y para la version latina K'naan se une a David Bisbal (un cantante espanol malisimo) . Este es el video oficial de la version latina, espero les guste.
Personalmente pienso que la version original (en ingles) es mucho mejor. pero aqui se las dejo...


Welcome to my blog, My name is Arturo Reyes, I am a Software Engineering student (last semester) and i have interest in many other stuff apart from software stuff. I will be posting any interesting news, facts, images, or anything i think it deserves to be posted.
I hope you guys like it and please contact me anytime, I will try to reply asap
Thanks and good bye!


Bienvenidos a mi blog, Mi nombre es Arturo Reyes, soy un estudiante de Ingenieria de Software (ultimo semestre) y tengo muchos otros itereses en diversas cosas ademas de cosas tecnicas de SW. Voy a estar posteando noticias, hechos, imagenes, o cualqueir otra cosa que piense que merece ser posteada. Espero que les guste i porfavor no duden en contactarme para cualquier cosa, tratare de responder lo mas rapido posible.

Gracias y adios!